The majesty of poems
Autor: George Cornici  |  Album: Nestemate pentru suflet  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de geocornic in 27/09/2013

The majesty of poems consists of grace,
Of harmony that refreshes the soul
When reading, smiles appear on the face
They always have an uplifting goal.

We are delighted by their meanings
Their universe is so complex
Poems affect so much our feelings
We absorb them to enjoy and relax.

Writing verses is the supreme art
It’s, everywhere, acknowledged as such
From their presence we’ll never depart
As we are fascinated by their touch.

The majesty of poems gives joy supreme
Making us better, making us wise
To be able to travel even upstream
To get what’s ours: the heavenly prize.

George Cornici/26 Septembrie, 2013
Maretia poeziei din har, pentru premiul ceresc!
Domnul sa va binecuvinteze!
As propune s-o traduceti pentru cei ce nu cunoastem engleza. Am inteles aceasta poezie, caci am in familie copii care stiu engleza.
Adăugat în 27/09/2013 de fidelitate
Asa este frate Cornici, versurile cu harul lor ne bucura, ne relaxeaza, ne fac mai buni, mai intelepti, fiti binecuvantat, multa pace si salutari sfinte
Adăugat în 27/09/2013 de floridinmaracineni
„Writing verses is the supreme art”....It is true, for the imortal poems like yours and for verses by...Holy Bible!
Adăugat în 01/10/2013 de loredanam
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